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How can schools use digital signage?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 12:45 am
by mjstrand
Schools are great application for digital singage. I've listed some potential content below, but I would like to schedule a time to talk with you a little further about this application. For the sales process, this is sold primilarly as a communication tool for students and staff.
  • One screen or many screens throughout the institution to display information about school announcements, college recruiters, sporting events, clubs, cafeteria menus, or other information

    Only one kiosk channel is generally needed, as schools would generally want to display the same information throughout the building

    Information can easily be updated by administration and/or teachers/professors via the Internet

    School district office could provide specific information that would be displayed on the screens throughout the school district

    System could be used to communicate specifically with facility during administrative meetings, parent-teacher conferences, etc.
In addition to the above benefits, the kiosk also provides a supplement to the traditional method of placing posters and banners throughout the school. In many schools, all posted materials require the approval of a school administrator. This can be a time consuming process when there are many students wishing to display posters or banners.

Because of the real-time updating of the kiosk software, it is also possible to update weather advisories to help keep students safe in extreme temperatures. For example, if six inches of snow fell during the school day, an announcement could be placed on the kiosk to display bus schedules, road conditions, etc.

Best thing

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:32 pm
by Guest
mjstrand wrote:Schools are great application for digital singage.
If this is true - its the best thing ever! :D

Well it must be the best thing ever then...

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 12:38 am
by mjstrand
There are lots of screens in all levels of schools which show information to keep students on track and updated on upcoming and past events. Many are run with powerpoint. This system allows even more flexibility using the existing equipment. So do you have a different viewpoint on this? Obviously with ever shrinking budgets for schools, that could be one point against this as a great opportunity. There are lots of intangible upsides to it with the better and more efficient communication that it can offer. Please expand on your thought...

Digital Signage in Schools

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 4:10 pm
by Amy-StrandVision
This article discusses universities, but the application for public K-12 schools is similiar.

It's from University Business Magazine.