How do additional locations / channels work?

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How do additional locations / channels work?

Post by mjstrand »

I have a quick question for you. When we add an additional location we get 40 additional slides to use correct? Are those 40 slides only used for the additional location or can we use them for any of the locations?

I always assumed that when we added a location and got the 40 additional slides the system would then have an option to set any slide to a particular location (or multiple locations). It just occurred to me that I didn?t know how that worked specifically so any clarification you can give me would be great.
The additional pages, bandwidth and space are allocated to your account pool (used by any location). You can see how the locations work if you set your preferences to advanced user mode. Once that is done, you will see the location drop down list. Initially, you will see "all locations" and your current location. When additional ones are purchased, they also are listed. The way it works right now is that an individual page is set to all locations or one. At some point in the future, we will probably allow one page to be displayed at multiple locations (via a checkbox). I suspect we are looking at 6 months or more before we add that level of flexibility.
Mike is president of StrandVision Digital Signage and also does business marketing consulting through
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