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Are you getting the most from your employees?

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 5:11 pm
by mjstrand
Have you ever wondered if you are getting the most from your employees? The answer is almost always no. People have more to offer those that they deal with. To get more of that secret productivity, they need to want to give it. I look at myself, trying to update this forum a couple times a week with knowledge from my past, and I cant even get my own productivity all the time. We all like knowing that our efforts are noticed and utilized. Once that happens, it helps to build momentum for more. Of course people can always find ways to reward themselves which is what I'm trying to do. The next time you wished someone in your life did a little bit more, remember to offer them a reward for something that they have already done well and be curiuos about what happens next. In order to avoid being disappointed, try not to have expectations as to what will change in others or yourself. If you read this article and want to motivate me to do more, reply to the forum or send me an email. Thanks and happy 2005 to you all!